地图 - 威斯特摩蘭區 (牙買加) (Westmoreland)

威斯特摩蘭區 (Westmoreland)

* Parish Information

* Political Geography of Jamaica

* Westmoreland

* Go Local Jamaica

* Negril Jamaica Vidia - A (non-profit) free video/photo - encyclopedia/directory designed for tourists to visually research ALL of the resorts, restaurants, shops, bars and other tourist services that they will find in Negril

地图 - 威斯特摩蘭區 (Westmoreland)
国家 - 牙买加
通貨 / Language  
ISO 通貨 規約符號 有效数字
JMD 牙買加元 (Jamaican dollar) $ 2
鄰里社區 - 国家